I learn more about disability in the workplace, to become a disabled colleague!Through different courses, I discover:- The main types of handicaps, their consequences and possible compensation methods.- The stereotypes that revolve around disability- Key figures, to have statistical benchmarks on disability in France.- The most common acronyms, to find my bearings in Handicap "jargon".- Recognition of the status of disabled worker: who is it intended for and what is it for?- Practical advice, handicap by handicap, to enable me to develop my handicap.The HandicApp application offers me content accessible anytime, anywhere and on all digital media (smartphones, tablets, laptops). I progress at my own pace and choose my program according to the time I have. A few minutes are enough to complete a capsule!HandicApp offers me different learning modes, in a fun and dynamic form.The application supports me in my progress, through regular reminders, via notifications.I can follow my progress and my progress.As the capsules progress, I develop my knowledge, I test my skills and I gain avatars.At the end of my career, I acquire a Handipasseport, certifying my investment!